“25 Alumni Passed the Recruitment of PT KOMATSU”

Welding Engineering SMK N 1 Kaligondang has been collaborating with PT Komatsu for several years by holding an Industrial Class. For this good collaboration and trust in the graduates of SMK N 1 Kaligondang, PT Komatsu carried out special recruitment for alumni in 2020 and 2021. This selection was not held as usual because generally the selection was for the industrial class, but this was carried out for the non-industrial class.

The total participants who took part in the selection were 56 participants, and as many as 25 participants passed after carrying out a series of selection processes. The tests carried out included running tests, psycho tests, interviews, MCU, and LDA. After the selection process was completed, they followed the industrial class training for 5 days to convince that they are ready to enter the industry.

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